Monday, October 22, 2007

A.G. Nosworthy, architect

This is a sign that Alfred perhaps tacked to the wall near his office work area. I believe I got this photocopy from Aunt Yvonne's daughter, Sandy.

Aunt Margaret and Nan

This is Aunt Margart, Roy's wife, and my grandmother, Nan, Donald's wife. They were at the beach in Toronto in 1953. Like a couple of photos I posted earlier this is at the R. C. Harris Water Treatment Plant on the shore of Lake Ontario.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

young Donald Nosworthy

My grandfather as a very young man standing on the right. Donald Clare Nosworthy. Look at all that hair. You can just make out the year, 1929, written in the corner. This makes him all of eighteen when this was taken. These are two of his friends with him, Eric Prince standing on the left, and I don't know the name of the one sitting. They certainly look serious.

young Uncle Roy

I just received this photograph of Uncle Roy from Gordon and Charlene Nosworthy, his son and daughter-in-law. I don't have a date but to me he looks to be in his early twenties, making this maybe the 1930s.

Cecil LeRoy Nosworthy, April 26, 1909 - October 29, 1986.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Baptisms-Quebec City

That didn't take long. At the end of the previous post I asked if a cousin in Canada might be able to track down the original baptism records for the Nosworthys from St Matthew's Church in Quebec City. I suspected they were archived on microfilm somewhere. Less than 24 hours later Steve Cullen, of Myrtle's branch, sent me these images.

It turns out that five of the siblings were baptized on the same day, 13 July, 1916. They were, Cecil Le Roy born 26 April, 1909, Donald Clare born 6 January, 1911, Alfred Melville born 29 September, 1912, Harriet May born 22 May, 1914, and finally Louis Balfour born 29 January, 1916.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Donald C. Nosworthy

This is a transcription of my grandfather's baptismal record. He got this when he left Canada in 1948 to establish residency in the US. One of the interesting things here is that A.G. Nosworthy is already a practicing architect in 1916. I was told that he learned his profession through a correspondence course.

I imagine the original baptismal records are microfilmed and archived in several locations in Canada. Maybe one day one of the cousins will look into this.

Uncle Lolly

World War II newspaper clipping. This reports that Trooper L. Noseworthy who had earlier been listed as missing in action, had now been found wounded but safe. I understand that he had been in the calvary division and his tank was hit and left on the field of battle. I am not sure how long he was left there before he was found. I have been told that there were ten men in the tank and that he was the lone survivor.

I notice that Granny is referred to here as May. I thought it might be a misprint but I seem to recall seeing this somewhere else. Anyone know if she sometimes went by 'May'?

Lolly wound up being the last of his generation, outliving all of his siblings. Here is his obituary. It has some inaccuracies regarding survivors as it was probably written when he went into hospital and kept on file for many years. Based on this I believe he was admitted some time after 1986, the year that Billy and Roy passed away. He was already in hospital when I went to Montreal in 1990.

August 18, 1999 edition of The Montreal Gazette: "NOSWORTHY, Louis B. Died on August 13, 1999 at the age of eighty-three. Beloved husband of the late Shirley Brown. Dear brother of Donald, Bud, Pat,Yvonne, Myrtle, and the late Roy, Teddy, Bruce, Billy and Peggy. Visitation at Blythe Bernier Funeral Home, 940 Ogilvy Avenue, (Park Extension) on Thursday, August 19 from 6 to 9 p.m. Funeral service in our Chapel on Friday, August 20 at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers donations to the Alzheimer's Society would be appreciated."

Monday, October 01, 2007

Donald C. Nosworthy

My grandfather, Donald Nosworthy, from his US naturalization documents.

Patsy with nephew Donald

Aunt Patsy with her nephew, Donald. He is the son of Donald and Nan Nosworthy. This would be in Verdun around 1945.