Sunday, December 30, 2012

A.G. Nosworthy, architect

This is a photocopy of a pasteboard sign A.G. made.  Judging from the multiple tack holes it must have made several moves with him over the years.  Cousin Sandy has the original and one day I hope to get a colour scan to share.

I recently received an email from Robert Hill.  He is an architect and the editor of "The Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada 1800-1950".  He found me through this blog and he was simply looking for some documentation of the death date for Alfred George Nosworthy.  Out of that contact he provided a mother lode of information.  A.G.'s biography, his education, his movements between Quebec City and Montreal, and a listing of many of his projects in both cities.  He also pointed out that some earlier posts here attributed some buildings to A.G. in error.  I have deleted those entries.

He also took the time to provide addresses where available.  I then found many of those buildings and included interactive Google street maps and made notes where the buildings had obviously been razed.

Alfred George Nosworthy biography:

I was surprised to learn of A.G.'s education.  Mr. Hill provided this old press release to announce the new partnership that was published in a trade periodical in 1917.

NOSWORTHY, Alfred George (1883-1969) was active in Quebec City in a brief partnership with Wilfrid Lacroix in 1917-18 (see list of works under Lacroix & Nosworthy). Born in St. John’s, Newfoundland on 12 February 1883, he studied architecture and engineering at the Massachusetts Inst. of Technology in Boston, and after graduating from MIT he moved to Montreal to take up the post of assistant architect with the Grand Trunk Railway offices there. He relocated to Quebec City before 1915 and opened an office under his own name in early 1916. In June 1917 he was invited to form a partnership with Wilfrid Lacroix, but their collaboration was brief, and their firm was dissolved by mutual consent in 1919. Nosworthy then moved to Montreal and opened an office under his own name as ‘architect and industrial engineer’ (Canadian Engineer [ Montreal], xxxvii, 18 Dec. 1919, 554). His practise included residential and commercial works, and in June 1927 he formed a new partnership with Morrie E. Coshof (C.R., xli, 8 June 1927, 580; Const., xx, July 1927, 231). This too appears to have been short lived; by 1928 Nosworthy was again working independently, designing apartment blocks in an eclectic Tudor Revival style. No references to his work after 1952 have been found.



QUEBEC CITY, QUE., GRANDE ALLEE, near Bourlamaque Avenue, residence for J. Alphonse Cote, 1917 (Quebec City b.p. 3414, 17 May 1917; D. Blanchet, Decouvrir la Grande Allee, 1984, 68-9, 151, illus.)  Still standing at 220 -224 Grande Allee.

QUEBEC CITY, QUE., 51 1/2 CARTIER AVENUE, triplex house for C. Lacroix, 1917 (Quebec City b.p. 3606, 9 July 1917) Torn down.  This site now has a modern building.


QUEBEC CITY, QUE., residence for Patrick J. Moran,  (ca 1918, Mr. Moran is listed at 111 Dessanes Ave. which is now 995 Dessanes Ave and still standing.  The name Mountain View Boulevard was never used.)  Mountain View Boulevard, 1916 (ACQ, Greffe R. Meredith, No. 6396, 20 March 1916)

QUEBEC CITY, QUE., residence for Adelard Dorval, at (same issue; in 1918 Mr. Dorval is living at 59 Dessanes Ave. now a triplex at 915 -935 Dessanes Ave.)  Mountainview, 1916 (ACQ, Greffe G. E. Paradis, No. 1828, 27 April 1916)


QUEBEC CITY, QUE., residence for J.R. Demers, (still standing at 840 Levis Ave) Levis Avenue, 1916 (Quebec City b.p. 2513, 12 June 1916)

QUEBEC CITY, QUE., public garage and auto service station, (can't find street number here) Fabrique Street, 1916 (C.R., xxx, 4 Oct. 1916, 46)

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QUEBEC CITY, QUE., New Frontenac Garage, (confirmed at 45-47) St. Louis Street, for P. Campbell, 1917 (Quebec City b.p. 3203, 31 March 1917)
QUEBEC CITY, QUE., residence for Dr. M.J. Mooney, (confirmed at 316) Grande Allee near Cartier Avenue, 1917 (C.R., xxxi, 11 April 1917, 43, t.c.)  The house was demolished in the early 1980s and replaced by  155 Saunders Street. 
MONTREAL, QUE., Canadian Film Co., production plant, (can't find street number for this building) 1920 (C.R., xxxiv, 25 Feb. 1920, 48, t.c.)

MONTREAL, QUE., Toronto Type Foundry Co., (confirmed at 54) Jurors Street at Hermine Street, office and loft warehouse building, 1920 (C.R., xxxiv, 19 May 1920, 63) Can’t find this.  The street may no longer exist.

MONTREAL, QUE., row of twelve flats for Parker Brothers, (can't find street number)  1920 (C.R., xxxiv, 18 Aug. 1920, 53)

MONTREAL, QUE., major addition to the Montreal Chinese Hospital, 112 La Gauchetiere Street West, 1921 (Le Prix Courant [Montreal], liv, 30 Sept. 1921, 80) NOTE: The hospital has moved but I believe the original structure still exists.

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MONTREAL, QUE., Mount Vernon Apartments, (confirmed at 2101)  Edouard Montpetit Boulevard, 1927 (Montreal, Les Appartements, 1991, 178-79, illus.)

HERE is a good photo of this building with the leaves down.
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MONTREAL, QUE., Westmount Park Apartments, (confirmed at 4560)  Ste. Catherine Street West at Park Place, for D. McMenamin, 1927 (Daily Commercial News [Toronto], I, 17 Sept. 1927, 5)  

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OUTREMONT, The Lindy Apartments, (confirmed at 1630)  Van Horne Avenue, 1927 (City of Outremont b.p. 2160, 1 March 1927)

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OUTREMONT, The Chamberlain Apartments, (confirmed at 1640) Van Horne Avenue, 1927 (City of Outremont b.p. 2160, 1 March 1927)


MONTREAL, QUE., large residential home for the Hebrew Institution, (can't find street number)  Bullion Street at Pine Avenue East, 1927 (C.R., xli, 28 Sept. 1927, 51, t.c.)

WESTMOUNT, QUE., three storey apartment block on (can't find street number)  Dorchester Boulevard West, for an unnamed client, 1928 (C.R., xlii, 12 Sept. 1928, 54)

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WESTMOUNT, QUE., Bristol Myers Co., (confirmed at 3033-35) St. Antoine Street West at Brooke Avenue, 1928-29 (Montreal, Architecture Industrielle, 1982, 84-85, illus.)

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UNIVERSITY MANOR APARTMENTS, (confirmed at 2747) Edouard Montpetit Boulevard, 1931 (Montreal, Les Appartements, 1991, 185-7, illus.)

HERE is a good photo of this building with the leaves down.

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OUTREMONT, duplex residence for H. Lazar, (confirmed at 650-52)  Davaar Avenue, 1932 (City of Outremont b.p. 2805, 12 April 1932)

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OUTREMONT, QUE., duplex residence for the Construc-Rite Co. Ltd., (confirmed at 45-51) McNider Avenue, 1936 (City of Outremont b.p. 3112, 3 July 1936

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OUTREMONT, QUE., triplex residence for Suburban Construction Ltd., (confirmed at 6108-6112)  Durocher Avenue, 1952 (City of Outremont b.p. 5053, 3 March 1952)  Note: It is the boxy three storey in the centre.